We believe in the pictures, and we want yours.

Discovering new art. Pursue Pictures is a quality platform for new and professional artists. Accepting submissions from photographers regardless of location, experience, or know-how, Pursue Pictures’ mission is to discover artists through visual stories and to find that work an incredible home. Our categories are generated to provide placement for photography on a professional stage. By collaborating with established publications and platforms we are giving photographers a chance to reach an entirely new audience. The PURSUE PICTURES team has been operating in the arts since 2010. Its sister publications include the venerable, Masters Review, CRAFT, Frontier Poetry, and Palette Poetry, publications that have provided quality platforms for writers by recognizing new talent alongside established authors. PURSUE PICTURES aims to take their success in the literary arts and apply it to photography. Using their specific expertise to place photographers in commercially viable, high-quality platforms, it is unique in the arena of visual storytelling.

Vasundhara Srinivas


To discover today’s best new photographers, artists, and visual storytellers.