Pattern and Symmetry
Using repetition or showcasing it in a photograph is an effective tool to capture something special about a moment or object, especially a subject that may be easily overlooked. Buildings, flower petals, an old brick wall — our minds love to focus in repeating shapes, colors, and patterns. Consider taking a look at our Darkroom post about Pattern and Symmetry and the ways in which, juxtaposition, contrast, and emphasizing patterns is an effective way to capture symmetry. We’ve curated this gallery of “pattern as art” favorites to spark your imagination.
Got a great Pattern or Symmetry photo? Submit now!
Pattern and Symmetry gallery
Pattern and Symmetry
Pablo Hermoso
Brad Helmink
Gordon Williams
Annie Spratt
Ali Gooya
Anthony Cantin
Alex Guillaume
Jonas Jacobsson
Lukas Budimaier
Franzie Allen
Michael Beckwith
Mikito Tateisi
Ben Hershey
Jasmine Waheed
Jakob Owens
Jakob Owens